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Note:  These are instructions for installing a daemon program
       written using amarquee.library, NOT for installing the
       "AMarqueed" program itself!  For instructions on how to
       do that, see here.
There are several steps involved in installing an AmiTCP daemon
that will be activated by inetd.

First, you must choose a name for the service the daemon will
provide.  In this example, we'll call the service AMarqueeServer,
because that is the name of the daemon demo included with this
archive.  But it could be any name.

Second, you must choose which port the service will reside on.
For this example, I'll choose port 16000, but it can be almost
any port number, as long as no other service is using that same

Now you have to edit a couple of config files.

First, open up amitcp:db/services in your text editor
and add a line at the bottom for your new service.  For 
amarquee.library based servers, that line should have the format:

ServiceName   portNumber/tcp

So in our example, add the line:

AMarqueeServer   16000/tcp

Now save the services file and open the file amitcp:db/inetd.conf.
Again, we want to add a line for our service at the bottom of
the file.  For amarquee-based servers, that line should have
this format:

ServiceName  stream  tcp  nowait  root  fullPathNameToExecutable

So for our example, add the line:

AMarqueeServer stream tcp nowait root amitcp:serv/AMarqueeServer

Don't forget to copy the executable file "AMarqueeServer" into
the amitcp:serv directory, or change the last field of the above
config line to reflect the executable's real location on your

Now, after you re-start AmiTCP, the AMarqueeServer service should
be available on port 16000.  To make sure it works, you can try
to connect to it with the AMarqueeDebug utility:

AMarqueeDebug localhost JustAQuickTest 16000

And AMarqueeServer will open a window.  If it doesn't seem to
be working, make sure you have AmiTCP configured so that the
inetd program is running, and use SnoopDos to see if your 
executable file is being loaded correctly.

Converted on 24 Mar 2002 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1e(private) by Michael Ranner.