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amarquee.library/QGetParameterOp           amarquee.library/QGetParameterOp

    QGetParameterOp - Get the value of miscellaneous parameters.


    LONG QGetParameterOp(struct QSession * session, char * paramName)

    This function lets your client get the value of certain environment 
    variables or other miscellaneous parameters on the server machine.  
    Note that your client will need QPRIV_ADMIN status to get some
    of these variables.
    This function requires v45 of amarquee.library, and v1.45
    of AMarqueed.
    session   - The session for which you wish to get a parameter.
    paramName - The keyword corresponding to the parameter you
                wish to get.  Keywords, and who they may be retrieved by,
                are described in this table.
                Note that parameter names are case sensitive!

    Returns the assigned ID number of the access operation, or 0
    to indicate failure (due to memory shortage).  

    If you did not have permission to retrieve the parameter you indicated,
    a QERROR_UNPRIVILEGED message will be sent back from the server.

    If you specified an unknown paramName, a QERROR_MALFORMEDKEY
    will be sent back from the server.

    Otherwise, the parameter's value will be returned to you in
    a QMessage that has qm_Path set to the parameter's name,
    and qm_Data set to the parameter's value (all values will
    be sent as NUL-terminated ASCII strings).
    LONG transID;
    /* Find out who is banned from the server. */
    if (transID = QGetParameterOp(session, "AMARQUEED_BANNED"))
       printf("Get parameter op succeeded, was given id #%li\n",transID);
       printf("Get parameter op failed.  (no memory?)\n");

    QGo, QSetParameterOp, QRequestPrivilegeOp

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