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amarquee.library/QRequestPrivilegesOp           amarquee.library/QRequestPrivilegesOp

    QRequestPrivilegesOp - Ask for special privileges/abilities.


    LONG QRequestPrivilegesOp(struct QSession * session, ULONG privBits)

    This function lets your client ask the server for permission
    to do certain operations that are otherwise restricted.
    The server may or may not actually grant you permission.
    This function requires v45 of amarquee.library, and v1.45
    of AMarqueed.
    session   - The session for which you wish to request privileges.
    privBits  - A bit-chord specifying which special privileges you want.
                The following constants are currently available:
     QPRIV_KILLCLIENTS - The ability to use QKillClientsOp to disconnect
                         other client programs.
     QPRIV_SENDSYSMESSAGES - The ability to send system messages to
                             other client programs.
     QPRIV_GETSYSMESSAGES - The ability to receive system messages
                            sent by other programs.  (This privilege
                            is guaranteed to be granted to any client
                            that requests it)
     QPRIV_ADMIN - The ability to change system settings via QSetParameterOp.

     QPRIV_ALLPRIVILEGES - This constant is equivalent to all the above
                           constants OR'd together.

    Returns the assigned ID number of the access operation, or 0
    to indicate failure (due to memory shortage).  
    To find out if your requests were granted, call QInfoOp afterwards
    and read the qr_Privs field of the returned struct to find your
    new permissions status.

    LONG transID;
    /* Request the ability to get system messages and to disconnect other clients */
    if (transID = QRequestPrivilegesOp(session, QPRIV_KILLCLIENTS | QPRIV_GETSYSMESSAGES))
       printf("RequestPrivileges op succeeded, was given id #%li\n",transID);
       printf("RequestPrivileges op failed.  (no memory?)\n");

    transID = QRequestPrivilegesOp(session, QPRIV_KILLCLIENTS | QPRIV_GETSYSMESSAGES)
    if (transID = 0) then say "Oops, transaction failed."

    QGo, QReleasePrivilegesOp, QKillClientsOp

Converted on 24 Mar 2002 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1e(private) by Michael Ranner.