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ARexx interface

With the ARexx interface you can receive information from AmiComSys, like clients hostname, login or name. AmiComSys's ARexx port is AMICOMSYS, and it understands the following commands: DISCONNECT - Log out from server. SHOW - Shows the main window. HIDE - Hide the windows. ICONIFY - Iconify the windows. HIDE and ICONIFY do the same thing in the MUI-version. QUIT - Quits AmiComSys. STEM <var>. - Use it with GET to get the result included in structure. e.g. GET STEM info. VAR <var> - Copy the result to the variable <var>. GET - Get information from AmiComSys. Parameters: CLIENTLIST - Get info from clientlist. e.g. GET STEM info. CLIENTLIST Results: info.<name> connected - Connected to server. 0 = no, 1 = yes. browserpath - The path to the web-browser. ftpprgpath - The path to the ftp-client. ircprgpath - The path to the irc-client. status - The current status. ONL, OFF, AWA, BUS or INV numclients - Number of lines in the client list. numconnected - Number of connected clients. May differ from 'numclients' if 'listshowmode=2'. listshowmode - The show mode of the contact list. (0=all, 1=highlight friends and 2=show only friends). The following needs the parameter CLIENTLIST specified selected - The index (the line in client list) of the selected client. hostnames - An array of the hostnames of the clients. e.g. hostnames.0 for the first one. usernames - An array of the usernames of the clients. realnames - An array of the realnames of the clients. comments - An array of the comments of the clients. homepages - An array of the homepage addresses of the clients. ftpsites - An array of the ftpsite addresses of the clients. onlinetimes - An array of the onlinetimes of the clients. login - Your user name. realname - Your real name. comment - Your comment. email - Your email. homepage - Your homepage. ftpsite - Your ftpsite. onlinetime - The time when you went online with AmiComSys. SET - Set information in AmiComSys. Parameters: LOGIN - The Login name. REALNAME - The Real name. COMMENT - The comment. UPDATE - Update the information on the server. To make the changes of the above item apply give the command SET UPDATE. LOGPATH - The path to the logging file. LOGLEVEL - The logging level. SELECTED - Select the user-client. HOTLINE - Open or close the HotLine MESSAGEAREXX <0/1> - Enable/disable messagearexx.amicomsys temporarily. It will not be saved to disc. STATUS - Set the current status. ONLine, OFFline, AWAy, BUSy, INVisible. e.g. set STATUS AWAY REQUEST - Open a requester Parameters: TITLE - The title of the requester BUTTONS - The buttons. e.g. '"_Ok|_Cancel"' TEXT - The text Use the rawkey 13, instead of 10 to get a newline e.g. NL='0d'x; thetext='hello'||NL||'there' REQUEST TITLE hello BUTTONS okey TEXT thetext REQUESTA - Open a non-blocking requester Parameters: TITLE - The title of the requester BUTTONS - The buttons. e.g. '"_Ok|_Cancel"' TEXT - The text HOSTNAME - A hostname in the format /hostname/AmiComSys If specified the requester will have a string gadget and a Send gadget. It's the same format as the one messagearexx.amicomsys- script gets from AmiComSys. Use the rawkey 13, instead of 10 to get a newline e.g. NL='0d'x; thetext='hello'||NL||'there' REQUEST TITLE hello BUTTONS okey TEXT thetext SEND - Send messages or files. Parameters: MSG - Send message CHAT - Send chat request WEB - Send WEB-request USER - The username TEXT - The text you want to send FILE - Send a file to the USER NAME - File name of the file ASK - Confirm before sending rc=0 = Message was sent rc=10 = Message was not sent rc=1 = User answered no to the confirmation or time out now finished (15 seconds). See rexx/AmiComSysTest.rexx for examples. In the rexx directory there are some arexx scripts which is started at different occasions: NotifyArexx.amicomsys - When the client list change. MessageArexx.amicomsys - When a message arrives. SendWEB.amicomsys - Send homepage address to web-browser. SendFTP.amicomsys - FTP address to ftp-client. SendIRC.amicomsys - IRC address to AmIRC. SendEmail.amicomsys - Email to for example YAM. The program includes a menu Arexx.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.