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AmiComSys and Amiga Communicator System is copyright by Håkan Parting. AMarquee is copyright by Jeremy Friesner and Håkan Parting. Amiga and Workbench is a registered trademark of Amiga International, Amiga Inc., Gateway. ICQ is copyright by Mirabilis. Pagoo is copyright by Pagoo Communications, Inc. AmIRC is copyright by Oliver Wagner. Betterstring.mcc is copyright by Allan Odgaard. Newstring.mcc is copyright by Rüdiger Sopp. Textinput.mcc is copyright by Oliver Wagner. Toolbar.mcc is copyright by Benny Kjær Nielsen. NList.mcc, NListview.mcc & NFloattext.mcc is copyright by Gilles Masson. Ibrowse is copyright by Omnipresence Intl. Voyager is copyright by Oliver Wagner. AWeb is copyright by Yvon Rozijn. Miami is copyright by Nordic Global Inc. YAM is copyright by Marcel Beck. Busy.mcc is copyright by Klaus Melchior. OpenURL.library is copyright by Troels Walsted Hansen. Trademarks mentioned are owned by their respective owners.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.