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Window settings

Tab - Chat Windows Column name Display: Specify how the username shall be shown. Realname & username, Realname, or only Username. PChat: Put Picture - at the bottom or to the right. Specify where you want the photo to be placed. Add PChat-chat lines to the Message History: Check this box if you want the PChat chat lines to be inserted into the Message History. Tab - Message History Windows Column name Display: Specify how the username shall be shown. Realname, or nickname. Autosave history If this is checked the message history will be saved to the file .msghistory in the AmiComSys root directory, when you quit or disconnect AmiComSys. It will be restored next time you start AmiComSys. Flow In what direction should the entries flow. Top to Bottom, or Bottom to Top. Tab -Message requester settings: Screen to open on Specify which kind of screen you allow the message requesters to open on. Default is Front most screen. Put screen to front Should the screen which the requester opens on be brought to front. Default is no. Use MUI requester Shall the requester use MUI, or Gadtools. Default is checked. Snapshotable requesters Shall the message requester windows be snapshotable, i.e. they retain there last position and size. Default is unchecked. If unchecked AmiComSys will calculate a suitable size. Send confirmation (Send-button) Specify if you want a requester to pop up when you send a message asking you if you are sure you want to send it. . Send confirmation (Return-key) Specify if you want a requester to pop up when you press the Return key to send a message. Note that the previous setting must be unchecked when you uncheck this. If not it will not take effect. . Close requester after send Should the message requester close when you press the send button. Default is no. Max-horiz-chars Specify the width of the requester in characters. Defaults to 50 characters. Activate delay The time since the last key press you allow a message requester to steal the current focus. Time in seconds. 0=steal the focus whenever it want. Default is 1 second. This setting is here to prevent you from accidentally enter information in the wrong window.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.