Below I describe in detail which pictures I need:

1) Images for these buttons in the main window: PChat, HotLine, SendFile, MultiSend, Send Add, Friendsbook, Version

You should be familiar with these features.

I intend to use the Toolbar.mcc costum MUI class. It's a costumizable toolbar module. You may get information about that class, e.g. in which format the buttons should be in, by visiting the home page located at I you don't understand how to do that, it's okey to send it in the way you want. I can copy and paste the toolbar images myself.

The images could use the MagicWB colours or maximum 32 colours (NewIcons).

2) Images for these buttons in the Friendsbook window: New, Remove.

Preferrable in Toolbar.mcc format.

3) Small images for the listview in the Settings window. One file per image. About 15x16 pixels seems like a decent dimension.

4) An about title image.

5) Small images that will be used to show Busy, Away status in the Client List. Small images that should replace the # and * shown in front of your name in the Clientlist. # means unregistered, * means registered. And finally one image that will replace the ^ shown in the client list when the client has joined the Hotline. 13x9 pixels seems like a decent dimension.

6) Maybe an (icon)?

By sending in the contribution I allow the author of AmiComSys and any other which redistribute AmiComSys in its original archive to freely redistribute my images, without any royalty.

Good Luck!