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The files in your AmiComSys directory

Maybe you wonder what all the files which AmiComSys has created in your AmiComSys directory do. Some of them are obsolete today and may be deleted. Files of use in AmiComSys version 1.25+ -------------------------------------- .buddybook - The friendsbook is saved into this. .ignorelist - The Ignore List is saved into this. .lastinfoupdate - Caches the information in the upper part of main window. .lastmessageindex - An internal number of the last seen system message. .mhistory - The message history is saved into this. /mhistory directory. The message history texts is saved to files in this directory. AmiComSys.prefs - The settings are saved into this. Obsoleted with version 1.20 (were used in version 1.19g) ------------------------------------------------------- .friendsbook - The friendsbook was saved into this. .friendsbook.bak .msghistory - The message history was saved into this. AmiComSys.config - The settings were saved into to this. Obsolete. (Could safely be deleted). ------------------------------------ AmiComSys.data - Was used by the obsolete Gadtools version a long time ago, to save the window positions.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.