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HotLine (public chat)

This is a public chat window. You only receive chat messages when the HotLine window is opened (to iconify is not to close). Topic: Here you enter the topic, if you want to change it. Say: Here you enter what you want to say. Online/Offline-button: Press this if you want to disconnect while the window is opened. You can reconnect by pressing the Offline-button, which then will change to online-mode. Note: All people who have their Hotline-window open will have a "bubble" in front of their username in the clientlist. Messages that are addressed to you (message beginning with your loginname) will be highlighted. When someone enter or quit the HotLine a notification will be inserted into the list (From and is italized). The username display is configurable in the Chat-settings. The chat-textinput-field have some keybindings

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.