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Ignore List

The ignore list you find by picking the settings/ignore users menu item. With it you can automatically ignore certain people that harass you. There are one list in the window. It shows the curren entries in the Ignore List. By selecting an entry the checkboxes at the right of the list will show what what is ignored. With the button, "Add selected client", you add a client to the list. That client will then be deleted from the Client List. The button, "Remove", removes the selected entry in the Ignore List. With the three checkboxes, named "HotLine", "ClientList" and "Msg, PChat & SendFile, you may specify what is to be ignored for every entry individually. HotLine - By checking this you won't see any entry in the HotLine from the added client. You won't notice if it changes the Topic either. ClientList - By checking this you prevent the client to show its existance in your Client List. Msg, PChat & SendFile - By checking this you prevent the added client to send you messages and connect to you via PChat and SendFile. The added client can't even get your System-info and Version-info! . Unregistered users could use the 'Bann-list (ignore these)' found in the Network settings instead. But with this the message is actually sent to your machine but filtered out. With the feature above it's stopped at the server, so nothing is sent to you! Finally the Update button, which uploads the current settings to the server. You may "drag & drop" a client from the Client List into to this list, as an option to use the "Add selected client" button.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.