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As of version 46, the functions within amarquee.library are
accessible from ARexx scripts.  To make amarquee.library's
functions accessible to your ARexx script, you should add the
following line to the beginning of your script:

call addlib('rexxamarquee.library', 0, -30, 49)

(Note that with earlier versions of AMarquee.library than V49 you
used a line like this:
call addlib('amarquee.library', 0, -204, 46)
They shall now be changed to
call addlib('rexxamarquee.library', 0, -30, 49)
Once this call returns, you can use most of amarquee.library's functions
pretty much the same way as you would within a C program,
except that arguments are passed and results are returned in 
the standard ARexx manner, as strings.

There are some minor differences in usage between the C and
ARexx versions of the functions (mostly the difference is that
some arguments are optional under ARexx).  These are noted
in the AREXX NOTES section of the man page for each function.

There are also two new functions that are available only 
via ARexx:

  GetQMessageField(message, fieldname)
  GetNextQMessage(session, timeout, signals)
These are used for doing things that are easy in C but harder
to do in ARexx.

Note that you must be careful when using amarquee.library from
ARexx!  In particular, you must ensure that QFreeSession
is called on ALL active QSession's before your script exits!
Otherwise you risk crashing.  Also, all returned QMessages must
have FreeQMessage called on them, or you
will leak memory.

See the ARexx scripts in the examples subdirectory
for examples of how to use amarquee.library from ARexx.

Converted on 04 May 2002 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1e(private) by Michael Ranner.