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amarquee.library/GetQMessageField           amarquee.library/GetQMessageField

    GetQMessageField - Returns one of the fields of a QMessage.

    GetQMessageField(message, fieldname)

    This function is available from ARexx scripts only.
    It allows you to get at the various fields of the QMessage
    struct returned to you by GetNextQMessage, without having
    to muck around with byte offsets and such.

    message   - A non-zero pointer string returned by GetNextQMessage.
    fieldname - A string specifying which field you wish to 
                have returned.  Should be one of the following,
                and is case-insensitive:
      ID        : Message ID # of transaction related to this opCode, or -1 if no ID is applicable.
      Status    : One of the QERROR_* identifiers.
      Path      : Pathname of a node, or NULL if not applicable.
      Data      : Data buffer, or "" if not applicable.
      DataLen   : Length of qm_Data buffer, or 0 if not applicable.
      ActualLen : Length of the data buffer stored on the AMarquee server.
      ErrorLine : Line # of the server source code that generated the error.  Useful for debugging.
      Session   : The pointer to the QSession as a string.
    (The prefix "qm_" may be added to any of these keywords, if
     you prefer to have the fields exactly match those of the QMessage
     struct defined in amarquee.h)

    For QMessages that contain a QRunInfo struct for their qm_Data
    (i.e. those returned in response to a QInfoOp), you may also
    specify the following fields (with or without a "qr_" prefix):
      Allowed       : The theoretical maximum number of bytes your server may allocate.
      Alloced       : The number of bytes currently allocated by your server.
      Avail         : The number of bytes that may actually be allocated by your server.
      CurrentPrivs  : '|' separated list of QPRIV_* identifiers, showing what special privs you have.
      PossiblePrivs : '|' separated list of QPRIV_* identifiers, showing what special privs you could get if you asked.

    Returns a string containing the contents of the requested
    part of the QMessage.
    message = GetNextQMessage(session)
    if (message > 0) then do
      say "Got Message, path was " || GetQMessageField(message, 'Path')
      call FreeQMessage(session, message)


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