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All communications from the client TCP thread and the AMarquee server
arrive at your application's doorstep in the form of QMessages.
In C or Pascal, these QMessages can be accessed by your program
by waiting on the qMsgPort field in the QSession struct that is 
returned by QNewSession.  In ARexx, you can receive QMessages 
by calling GetNextQMessage.

Every QMessage you receive should eventually be freed by your 
application, via the FreeQMessage call.  You must 
use this call, and not FreeMem() or ReplyMsg(), when you are done with 
QMessages.  Any data you wish to keep from the QMessage you must have 
been copied out into your own storage area(s) before you free the QMessage.

The QMessage has many fields, all of which bear explanation.
Note that ARexx scripts cannot read these fields directly; instead,
they should use the GetQMessageField function to access them.

Here they are:

 - struct Message qm_Msg;
   Used for normal Amiga messaging stuff.  You shouldn't need to
   access the data within this struct directly.
 - LONG qm_ID;
   Contains the ID number of a transaction you sent, that this message
   is in response to.  ID numbers for each transaction are returned by
   the Q*Op() calls, and let you determine which QMessages resulted from
   which calls.  Valid ID numbers are monotonically increasing, starting
   at 1.  You may see qm_ID's of 0, if the message is not associated with
   any particular transaction (such as when the message was caused by a
   QMessageOp or a QSendRawOp or
   executed by another client or raw socket data), or of -1 for certain types of 
 - int qm_Status;

   Contains the error status of the message.  For normal operation 
   results, this will be set to QERROR_NO_ERROR, but if there was
   an error, it may be one of the following:

    Something has gone wrong, but nobody knows what!  You should
    actually never see this.


    You specified a node path that was syntactically incorrect,
    or is impossible (such as specifying a node in a directory that
    doesn't exist)

    The AMarquee server ran out of memory and thus was not able
    to perform the operation.  This is a serious error, and if
    you get it you should not count on any subsequent transactions
    in the same message packet having been performed!


    The TCP connection to the AMarquee server has been severed.  Once
    you get this, the only thing you can really do is QFreeSession
    your session and start a new one--there is no way to reconnect
    a disconnected session.


    You tried to do something you're not allowed to do (such as
    writing to another client's directory or renaming your root node).
    Note that trying to read from the directory of a client who has 
    excluded you via QSetAccessOp will not result in this error--
    rather, you just won't get any results back.  You will also get
    this error code if you sent a QMessageOp that no other clients
    were willing to receive.
    You tried to use a feature that I haven't implemented yet.
    You may get this error if you are receiving data in a direct
    client-to-client connection and the sending client sends you 
    a transaction that does not make sense in this context.
    (for example, a QSetAccessOp)
    Your computer ran out of memory, and thus could not perform
    the operation.

    This message is a system message sent to you by a client
    with QPRIV_SENDSYSMESSAGES access.  The qm_Path field will tell
    you who sent it to you, and the qm_Data field is a NULL-terminated
    ASCII string that contains the text of the message.
    Note that you will only ever see this value of qm_Status if
    you have requested QPRIV_GETSYSMESSAGES access.
    This message was sent to you by the AMarquee TCP thread running
    on your machine, to let you know that your QGo() packet has
    been sent (or at least, that it has been completely handed off 
    to the TCP Stack's transmission code).  You will only get this QMessage 
    back if you specified the QGOF_NOTIFY flag in your call to QGo().  
    The qm_ID field of this QMessage is the same as the return value
    of the QGo() call that caused it to be sent.  (This status
    type is new for v47 of amarquee.library)
 - char * qm_Path;
   If the QMessage is returning information about a particular node, 
   this will point to a NULL-terminated, fully qualified path string
   identifying the node.  As returned by the AMarqueed server, this 
   string will never have wildcards in it, and will always be 
   "absolute" (with the computer and program name explicitely 
   specified).  If no node is being referenced (as in, for example, 
   error or ping messages), this entry will be NULL.

   If you are using the raw socket functions QNewSocketSession(),
   QNewSocketSessionAsync(), QNewSocketServerSession() then it will contain
   the domain name of the remote host and the local tcp port it is
   connected to. E.g. localhost:1027
 - void * qm_Data;
   If a data buffer is being returned with the QMessage, this will
   point to the first byte of the buffer (otherwise it will be NULL).  
   The data buffer belongs to the TCP thread, and will be freed when 
   the QMessage is freed.  You are allowed to read from or write to 
   this buffer until you call FreeQMessage on this QMessage.
 - ULONG qm_DataLen;

   Contains the number of bytes in the qm_Data buffer that is
   included with this QMessage.
 - ULONG qm_ActualLen;
   Contains the size of the data buffer associated with this node,
   as it is stored on the server.  This value is usually equal to
   qm_DataLen, but it may be larger than qm_DataLen if you told 
   QGetOp or QSubscribeOp to limit the size of data buffers you
   receive (via the maxBytes argument).
 - ULONG qm_ErrorLine;
   If qm_Status is not QERROR_NO_ERROR, this entry will contain the line
   number of the command in the AMarqueed source code that triggered
   the error.  This is to help me in debugging the AMarquee server.

 - void * qm_Private;

   Points to secret magic stuff used by the TCP thread.  Leave
   this alone!

 - struct QSession * qm_Session;           (AMarquee V51)

   The QSession associated with the QMessage.
   You need to use this if you use shared message ports.

Converted on 24 Mar 2002 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1e(private) by Michael Ranner.