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amarquee.library/QGetOp           amarquee.library/QGetOp

    QGetOp - Retrieve a set of entries from the AMarquee server.


    LONG QGetOp(struct QSession * session, char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes)

    This function instructs the AMarquee server to retrieve the
    data associated with the given wildpath and download it.
    Once the results are downloaded, they will be sent to your
    process asynchronously as QMessages.
    It is sometimes difficult to tell when your QGetOp query
    is complete and you have received all your results from the
    query.  Since each op is processed in order, you can do this
    by sending a QPingOp after the QGetOp, or by specifying
    TRUE for the sendSync argument in the QGo call.  Then when 
    you get the ping packet, you know your query has finished.
    session  - The session to send the get op to.
    wildpath - The path of the data items you wish to retrieve.
               You may include wildcards to retrieve multiple items.
    maxBytes - The maximum number of bytes of data you wish to
               recieve with each item.  Larger data buffers will be
               truncated to this length.  Since data items can be
               arbitrarily large, you can use this to avoid unpleasant
               surprises.  Specifying -1 for this argument will
               allow any size data to be downloaded.

    Returns the assigned ID number for the get operation on success,
    or 0 on failure.  Data that is retrieved is sent asynchronously,
    as QMessages, to session->qMsgPort.  A QGetOp that does not
    find any matching data items is not considered an error, so it 
    is possible that no messages will be sent in response to this op.

    LONG transID;
    /* Get nodes in all clients' home directories named testNode */
    if (transID = QGetOp(session, "/#?/#?/testNode", -1))
       printf("Get op succeeded, was given id #%li\n",transID);
       printf("Get op failed.  (no memory?)\n");

    In ARexx, the third argument is optional.  If it is not
    specified, -1 (no size limit) will be assumed.

    transID = QGetOp(session, '/#?/#?/testNode')
    if (transID = 0) then say "Oops, operation failed"

    QGo, FreeQMessage, QSubscribeOp

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