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amarquee.library/QNewSession           amarquee.library/QNewSession

    QNewSession - Creates a new connection to an AMarqueed server. (V50)


    struct QSession * QNewSession(char * hostname, LONG port, char * progname, struct TagItem *taglist)
    struct QSession * QNewSessionTags(char * hostname, LONG port, char * progname, ULONG tag1, ...)

    Creates a new TCP-handling thread and attempts to connect it
    to the specified AMarqueed server.

    This function is synchronous--it will not return until either
    a TCP connection has been made to the remote host, or the attempt 
    has failed.  If the connection fails, this function will return
    NULL with no side effects.

    If a non-NULL QSession is returned, it must be QFreeSession'd 
    before you close the amarquee.library. 

    hostname - The IP name of the computer to connect to.  (e.g.
    port     - The port to connect on.  Port 2957 is the "official"
               AMarqueed port.
    progname - A null-terminated string indicating the name
               the client program wishes to use.  If another
               client from your host has already registered 
               progname, the server for that client will close 
               its connection and quit so that your client program 
               will still be uniquely addressable.
    taglist  - A pointer to a tag list. For usable tags see .
               You must set this to NULL if you don't want to use any tags.

   QSESSION_ERRORCODEPTR - Can optionally be used to find out why a connection failed.
   The argument is a pointer to an int that will hold the error code. (V50)

   QSESSION_SHAREDMSGPORT - Can optionally be used to specify a shared message port to
   bind the session to. This must have been created with QCreateSharedMessagePort(). (V52)

    On success, returns a pointer to a QSession struct that should be
    passed to the other functions in this API.  The QSession struct
    also contains a pointer to an exec.library MsgPort that your program
    should Wait() on and GetMsg() from to receive QMessages from the
    TCP thread.  Returns NULL if a connection could not be established.

    struct QSession * s;
    if (s = QNewSession("example.server.com", 2957, "ExampleProgram"))
       printf("Connection to example.server.com:2957 was successful\n");
       printf("Connection failed.\n");

    For ARexx, the return value of this method is a string representation 
    of the pointer to the session struct.  If the returned value is equal 
    to zero, then the call failed.  Otherwise, use the return value as a 
    handle to pass to other amarquee.library functions.
    Note that instead of calling Wait() and GetMsg(), you will want
    to use amarquee.library's GetNextQMessage function to receive
    incoming QMessages.

    Tags cannot be used.
    session = QNewSession('example.server.com', 2957, 'ExampleScript')
    if (session > 0) then say "Connection was successful!"
                     else say "Connection failed!"
   This function was modified in amarquee.library v.50. The v.49 version had the
   same functionality but without the last argument, struct TagItem *taglist. I.e tags
   could not be used. Use the AMarquee49 pragmas and protos if your program have
   to work with amarquee.library v.49, though it's not recommended.
    QNewSessionAsync, QNewHostSession, QNewServerSession, QFreeSession

Converted on 24 Mar 2002 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1e(private) by Michael Ranner.