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amarquee.library/QSetAccessOp           amarquee.library/QSetAccessOp

    QSetAccessOp - Set a path describing which other clients may
                   access your data.


    LONG QSetAccessOp(struct QSession * session, char * newAccess)

    By default, any other AMarquee client may download your client's
    data.  But it may be that you only want to share your data with
    certain clients.  This function allows you to set an access 
    control path, in the form of "/hostExp/progExp", to specify
    exactly which other AMarquee clients may look at your data.
    Clients that are not included in your access path will not
    be notified when your data is updated, and they will not see
    any data in your directory via QGetOp(), either.

    While you can hide your data from other clients, you cannot
    hide your presence.  Unauthorized clients will still be able
    to see your root node, and may still be notified when your
    session begins or ends.
    If you specify an access pattern that excludes your own data(!),
    you will not be able to read your data using global node paths
    (e.g. QGetOp("/myhost/myprog/mydata") will not return any QMessages
    to you), but you can still read your data using local node paths
    (e.g. QGetOp("mydata"), which means the same thing, will work).
    You can always QSetOp to your directory, no matter what.
    session   - The session you wish to send the access operation to.
    newAccess - The new access pattern to use.  Note that on startup,
                the access pattern is "/#?/#?" (i.e. no restrictions
                on access).
    Returns the assigned ID number of the access operation, or 0
    to indicate failure.  This function will fail and return 0 if
    the "newAccess" arg is not in the form "/foo/bar".

    LONG transID;
    /* Let only programs named ExampleProgram see our data */
    if (transID = QSetAccessOp(session, "/#?/ExampleProgram"))
       printf("SetAccess op succeeded, was given id #%li\n",transID);
       printf("SetAccess op failed.  (no memory?)\n");

    transID = QSetAccessOp(session, '#?/ExampleProgram')
    if (transID = 0) then say "Oops, transaction failed."

    SetKeyAccessOp, QGo, QGetOp, QSubscribeOp

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