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You open the Friendsbook by selecting the Windows-Friendsbook-menuitem. In it you may insert buddies': name username email comments Pagoo ID ICQ UIN The path to a photo of the friend (locally on your computer). With the 'New' and 'Remove' buttons you may insert a new one respective remove the selected entry. If you use the Add-button in the main window you may insert the selected client into your friendsbook. The email of the client will not be showed if the user have not decided to make it public. It's then hidden. If you try to insert a email in the email-textfield it will be compared against the one got from the server, and if the are the same it will be inserted into the list. If they are not a confirmation dialog will open. You should not write another email here than the one the client is using in AmiComSys, because that email will be used to recognize people. You may also "drag & drop" a client from the Client List into the Friendsbook list to insert it! You may also configure a couple of events here (several more is to come ...): On the Events-tab: On Connect: Get a notification when the current user connects. On Disconnect: Get a notification when the current use disconnects.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.