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Message requester

AmiComSys uses its own message requester. It does not block other traffic, like the usual AmigaOS one. It is always centered. The buttons have these shortcuts: The right button: ESCape or the underlined character. The left button: The underlined character. The RETURN key will press the selected button. (select with the TAB-key). With the TAB-key you may cycle through the alternatives. It doesn't steal the current focus while you are using the keyboard. (costumizable in the Window-settings. You don't have to close a requester before you can get or send another message. The message text requesters also has this: A message field and a send button. You can use these to reply, without opening the main window. The requester will not close when you press the Send-button or Enter in the message-field. This requester could also include other features later. From AmiComSys version 1.25 MUI-windows are used for the message requester. You may choose to use the GadTools one in the Windows-settings - "Use MUI requester". The MUI-requester is not snapshotable by default, i.e. AmiComSys will calculate a suitable size every time. You may change this in the Windows settings - "Snapshotable requester". You can configure the requester at Windows settings

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.