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Various program settings

Tab - Program Program function group Multiple copies - Same as TOOLTYPE MULTIPLE If checked, Several copies of AmiComSys may be started. Bear in mind that they must connect to different servers for this to work. It's possible to fake this if you connect to localhost and set the environmental variable AMARQUEED_FAKECLIENT to different hostnames. e.g. setenv AMARQUEED_FAKECLIENT /amiga.com/AmiComSys You should never check this, unless you like to run AmiComSys connected to a local server on your Amiga. Default is unchecked. Reconnect - Same as TOOLTYPE RECONNECT Specify if you want AmiComSys to try to reconnect when no connection could be established or the connection is lost, or just quit. Useful if you start AmiComSys from an Online-script. Defaults to Yes, i.e. checked. If you put AmiComSys in WBStartup drawer RECONNECT should be Yes, and if you run AmiComSys from an Online-script RECONNECT could be set to No, but should probably be set anyway, in the event the server is rebooted. If yes, AmiComSys will try to reconnect one time every minute if connection is lost. Iconification group CloseGadget iconify main window - If checked AmiComSys Main Window will enter iconified state when you press the close button. If not it will quit AmiComSys The window can be deiconified again by using the hotkey or by clicking the icon. Default is unchecked. No GUI at startup AmiComSys will start iconified. Show icon Show an icon on the workbench when a window is in iconified state. Show menu Add a menuitem to the workbench tools menu when the window is in iconified state. Set icon-position Set the Workbench position of the main AmiComSys icon here. Main Window Hotkey Set the hotkey to use to open up or iconify the main window. e.g. lshift lalt a Application Hotkey Set the hotkey to use to open up or iconify the whole application, i.e, all windows that is is open or hidden. e.g. lshift lalt s Tab - Various TimeZone settings group The only thing you must set here is the Daylight Savings Time checkbox. Daylight Savings Time This is set automatically. It should be set if it is Daylight Savings Time (DST). Get GMT offset from The number of hours from Greenwich Mean Time is read from Locale-preferences by default, but if it is not right you can set it with the popup-menu. It shall be in hours from GMT. If your time zone for instance is one hour (+0100,MET) east of GMT set it to GMT + 01 Hour. It shall be negative if your time zone is west of GMT, and positive if you live east of GMT. If you do not set this correctly the time stamp on your messages won't be right. (The online time will be wrong too ...) (Not for you, but for others ...) Use string class settings group Choose the string-gadget you like best ... It will be used in every stringgadget, except for the comment field in the Friendsbook. Note that BetterString.mcc can't be used on a Kickstart V37 Amiga. You must restart AmiComSys for the setting to take effect. BetterString.mcc Use BetterString.mcc (found in AmiComSys's archive) Textinput.mcc Use Textinput.mcc (found at ftp://ftp.vapor.com/misc/) Newstring.mcc Use Newstring.mcc. (found in the Ibrowse archive) String.mui This the normal string-gadget which comes with MUI. Answerbox settings group If you want another message than default to be sent to users trying to contact you while you are away you can enter your own text here. (With away means that you have set the status popupmenu, found in the main window, to Away. Logging group AmiComSys can log onlines, offline and updates to a file. Path - The path to where you want to save the log file. Level - The logging level: None - No logging. Simple - Onlines and offlines is logged. Everything - In addition to above program end and start and client info updates is logged. Append date - Today's date will be appended to the file name.

Converted on 27 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1c(private) by Michael Ranner.