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amarquee.library/QGetAndSubscribeOp           amarquee.library/QGetAndSubscribeOp

    QGetAndSubscribeOp - Get the given data items, and start watching them.


    LONG QGetAndSubscribeOp(struct QSession * session, char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes)

    This function required v46 of amarquee.library, and v46
    of AMarqueed.
    This function is a combination of the QGetOp() and QSubscribeOp()
    methods.  Calling this function is the same as calling QGetOp()
    followed by QSubscribeOp(), with the same arguments.  This function
    is handy when you need to know the current state of some data
    and also want to be notified when the data changes.
    The advantages of this function over calling QGetOp() and 
    QSubscribeOp() separately are twofold:  first off, you only
    have to remember the ID number of one operation, rather than
    two; and secondly, it eliminates the possibility of race
    conditions between the two operations.
    session  - The session to send the get&subscribe op to.
    wildpath - The regular path name indicating which items you are
               interested in.  Regular expressions are allowed.
    maxBytes - Works similarly to the maxBytes argument in QGetOp.
               If the data portion of entries sent to you is longer
               than "maxBytes", it will be truncated to maxBytes
               bytes.  Set this to -1 to allow any size data to be
    Returns the assigned ID number of the get&subscribe operation on
    success, or 0 on failure.  Any server-side errors will be sent
    asynchronously as QMessages.  Data QMessages resulting from this
    command may continue to be sent indefinitely, or until you cancel
    your subscription with QClearSubscriptionOp.

    LONG transID;
    /* Tells AMarqueed to send us the current value of the item
       "data" in "ExampleProgram"'s home directory, and also to 
       send us a message whenever ExampleProgram changes the value
       of "data". */
    if (transID = QGetAndSubscribeOp(session, "/#?/ExampleProgram/data", -1))
       printf("GetAndSubscribe op succeeded, was given id #%li\n",transID);
       printf("GetAndSubscribe op failed.  (no memory?)\n");

    In ARexx, the third argument is optional.  If it is not specified,
    it defaults to -1 (e.g. no size limit).

    transID = QGetAndSubscribeOp(session, '/#?/ExampleProgram/data')
    if (transID = 0) then say "Oops, operation failed"

    QGo, QGetOp, QSubscribeOp, QClearSubscriptionOp

Converted on 24 Mar 2002 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1e(private) by Michael Ranner.