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AmiComSys contains a information bar, a status-popup-menu, a listview, some buttons and a menu. How the main window looks like depends on your settings. It's not possible to show here how it looks like or were a specific button is. The buttons are rather self explainable. They also have bubble-help. So place the mouse pointer on the button and wait a while to get a description. It's possible to drag and drop all the components in the Main Window, to modify its positions. By saving the settings it will stay the same the next time you start AmiComSys. This won't be saved in the unregistered version. The client list, the toolbars, and the other GUI-components have their own context menu. Press the right mouse button to see it! A 8-button toolbar may be divided into two by picking the "divide" menu item in the contect menu, that shows up when you press the right mouse button on it. If there are two toolbars in the same area they may be merged into one by picking that menuitem, "merge toolbars", on one of them. The GUI-components in the same area may be moved down by picking the "Top to Bottom" menu item. This is how it looked like a few versions ago: Info C l i e n t l i s t/Client Info Add PChat SendFile Version MultiSend HotLine - Opens the hotline window. Friendsbook - Opens the friendsbook. Status-menu New By pressing the 'New' button a new window popup where you enter the message to send. Message Send Message type Close Gadget Will iconify, or close the window. Menu Project/ About - Shows info about AmiComSys. Iconify Window - Iconifies the main window. Iconify application - Iconifies the whole application (all windows). Quit - Will quit AmiComSys. View/ Toolbars Hide or show the toolbars. Windows/ Message history All the messages you send and receive is saved to this history buffer. HotLine Public chat. Friendsbook Friends list. Pagoo Pagoo. The rules - shows the current rules anybody must follow on AmiComSys. ARexx/ Execute arexx script - Execute an ARexx script Add arexx script - Add an ARexx script to the menu. Settings/ General ... - Opens up the settings window. Ignore users - Ignore users. Show in list > Choose if you want to show all, highlight friends, or only show friends in the client list. MUI ... - Opens up the MUI-Settings. Save preferences Saves the settings to disc. Restart - Restarts the whole application. Message requester AmiComSys has its own requester. Iconify single windows

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